Monday, November 22, 2010


Yesterday I went to New York for the afternoon to look at glasses and hang out with my friend Heather. I impulse bought a pair of new frames from Moscot.  The style of frame is called Yale, so I figured it was pretty much meant to be. 

The most charming and perfectly round old Columbian man named Frank helped me pick them out after making me try on a host of wacky frames and "seeing what happens".  They didn't have my lenses in stock (damn you, you astigmatic eyes), but they're going to ship them to me, hopefully before Thanksgiving.  I also went to Fabulous Fanny's and got a pair of very large round frames that I would describe as being a burnt ashy blonde.  I haven't decided if they make me look like I'm trying too hard to be "ironic" (not my goal) but they were pretty cheap so I figured they're worth a shot.  I need to get lenses put in and then pics will be posted. 

The rest of the evening involved lots of walking around LES (I only JUST figured out what that means.  I'm so not cool), eating the most meat-full sandwich ever at Katz's, HP7pt.1 being sold out and chocolate truffles.  Not too shabby.  

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